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ARCHAEOLOGY University of Wales Press Thomas Nelson Publishers BAR Publishing

1 σελίδα από 1 σελίδες 40 αποτελέσματα



Merry and Jovial: Reconsidering the Effigies Immortalis and the Commemoration of Roman Boys Merry and Jovial: Reconsidering the Effigies Immortalis and the Commemoration of Roman Boys
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Industry and the Making of a Rural Landscape Industry and the Making of a Rural Landscape
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Fishing and Managing the Trent in the Medieval Period (7th-14th Century) Fishing and Managing the Trent in the Medieval Period (7th-14th Century)
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3D and 4D Cartography of Archaeological Stratigraphy 3D and 4D Cartography of Archaeological Stratigraphy
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Perceptions of tradition and innovation in Byzantium Perceptions of tradition and innovation in Byzantium
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Chadwell St Mary Ringwork Chadwell St Mary Ringwork
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Imprints of the Archaeology of Northern Nigeria Imprints of the Archaeology of Northern Nigeria
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domus del Mitreo a Tarquinia domus del Mitreo a Tarquinia
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Stirling Castle, a 70-gun Ship Lost in the Great Storm of 1703: Archaeological Investigations 1979-2009 Stirling Castle, a 70-gun Ship Lost in the Great Storm of 1703: Archaeological Investigations 1979-2009
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Arqueologia Urbana en San Salvador Nextengo Arqueologia Urbana en San Salvador Nextengo
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Make do and Mend: Archaeologies of Compromise Repair and Reuse Make do and Mend: Archaeologies of Compromise Repair and Reuse
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Approaches to Healing in Roman Egypt Approaches to Healing in Roman Egypt
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Drawings of Roman Mosaics in the Topham Collection, Eton College Library Drawings of Roman Mosaics in the Topham Collection, Eton College Library
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Genre et hierarchisation dans le monde nord-alpin, aux ages du Bronze et du Fer Genre et hierarchisation dans le monde nord-alpin, aux ages du Bronze et du Fer
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Archives et bibliotheques dans le monde grec Archives et bibliotheques dans le monde grec
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Catalogo degli Ushabti del Museo Egizio di Firenze, Volume II Catalogo degli Ushabti del Museo Egizio di Firenze, Volume II
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Hoarding and the Deposition of Metalwork from the Bronze Age to the 20th Century: A British Perspective Hoarding and the Deposition of Metalwork from the Bronze Age to the 20th Century: A British Perspective
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Composantes culturelles et premieres productions ceramiques du Bronze ancien dans le Sud-Est de la France Composantes culturelles et premieres productions ceramiques du Bronze ancien dans le Sud-Est de la France
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Il paesaggio medievale nella Basilicata meridionale Il paesaggio medievale nella Basilicata meridionale
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Ceramica comun en la Gallaecia romana Ceramica comun en la Gallaecia romana
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Derrycarhoon Derrycarhoon
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Early Bronze IV Village Life in the Jordan Valley Early Bronze IV Village Life in the Jordan Valley
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Southeast Asia in the Ancient Indian Ocean World Southeast Asia in the Ancient Indian Ocean World
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Qasr Ibrim House 1037 Qasr Ibrim House 1037
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Napatan Cylindrical Sheaths Napatan Cylindrical Sheaths
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Castrum Portae Jovis Mediolani Castrum Portae Jovis Mediolani
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Incontri e Mobilita nel Mediterraneo preistorico Incontri e Mobilita nel Mediterraneo preistorico
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Sailing to the Holy Land Sailing to the Holy Land
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organizacion social durante el Preclasico Tardio en Tlaxiaco, La Mixteca, Mexico organizacion social durante el Preclasico Tardio en Tlaxiaco, La Mixteca, Mexico
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Making Spaces into Places Making Spaces into Places
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Mortella III Wreck: a Spotlight on Mediterranean Shipbuilding of the 16th Century Mortella III Wreck: a Spotlight on Mediterranean Shipbuilding of the 16th Century
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Cornwall's Trans-Peninsular Route: Socio-Economic and Cultural Continuity across the Camel/Fowey Corridor Cornwall's Trans-Peninsular Route: Socio-Economic and Cultural Continuity across the Camel/Fowey Corridor
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Settlement Change, Urbanism, and Human and Environment Interaction at Lamanai and Ka'kabish Settlement Change, Urbanism, and Human and Environment Interaction at Lamanai and Ka'kabish
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Influence of Lithic Raw Material Selection on Regional Morphological Variability of Clovis Fluted Points Influence of Lithic Raw Material Selection on Regional Morphological Variability of Clovis Fluted Points
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Egypt's Christian Heritage Egypt's Christian Heritage
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Paisajes mineros y modos de vida en el norte de Mendoza, Argentina (S. XIX-XX) Paisajes mineros y modos de vida en el norte de Mendoza, Argentina (S. XIX-XX)
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"Yellow" Coffins from Thebes "Yellow" Coffins from Thebes
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Nuove epigrafi greche da Halaesa Archonidea Nuove epigrafi greche da Halaesa Archonidea
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Introducing the Medieval Dragon Introducing the Medieval Dragon
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