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Nursing Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Jessica Kingsley Publishers

1 σελίδα από 1 σελίδες 41 αποτελέσματα
Statistics for Nursing: A Practical Approach with Navigate Advantage Access Statistics for Nursing: A Practical Approach with Navigate Advantage Access
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Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research with Navigate Advantage Access Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research with Navigate Advantage Access
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Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis
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Pediatric Advanced Life Support Study Guide Pediatric Advanced Life Support Study Guide
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Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease, Enhanced Edition Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease, Enhanced Edition
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Patient Revolution Patient Revolution
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Doing Relationship-Centred Dementia Care Doing Relationship-Centred Dementia Care
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Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice
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Contraceptive Technology Contraceptive Technology
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Moulster and Griffiths Learning Disability Nursing Model Moulster and Griffiths Learning Disability Nursing Model
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Essentials of Delirium Essentials of Delirium
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Spirituality in Hospice Care Spirituality in Hospice Care
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Teaching And Learning In A Concept-Based Nursing Curriculum Teaching And Learning In A Concept-Based Nursing Curriculum
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Clinical Nurse Leaders Beyond the Microsystem Clinical Nurse Leaders Beyond the Microsystem
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Principles of Epidemiology for Advanced Nursing Practice: A Population Health Perspective Principles of Epidemiology for Advanced Nursing Practice: A Population Health Perspective
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Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach
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Leadership for Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing and Health Professions Leadership for Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing and Health Professions
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Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research
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Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice
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Nursing Ethics: Across The Curriculum And Into Practice Nursing Ethics: Across The Curriculum And Into Practice
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Palliative Care Nursing: Caring for Suffering Patients Palliative Care Nursing: Caring for Suffering Patients
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Project Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation: A Guide for Nurses and Interprofessional Teams Project Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation: A Guide for Nurses and Interprofessional Teams
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Introduction to Nursing Research: Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice with Navigate Advantage Access Introduction to Nursing Research: Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice with Navigate Advantage Access
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Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice
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Gerontological Nursing: Competencies for Care Gerontological Nursing: Competencies for Care
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Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning
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Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge
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Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: A Framework for Success Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: A Framework for Success
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Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach
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Person-Centred Dementia Care, Second Edition Person-Centred Dementia Care, Second Edition
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Chaplaincy in Hospice and Palliative Care Chaplaincy in Hospice and Palliative Care
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Outcome Oriented Chaplaincy Outcome Oriented Chaplaincy
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Working with Girls and Young Women with an Autism Spectrum Condition Working with Girls and Young Women with an Autism Spectrum Condition
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Evidence-Based Practice in Dementia for Nurses and Nursing Students Evidence-Based Practice in Dementia for Nurses and Nursing Students
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Values in Health and Social Care Values in Health and Social Care
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Adaptive Interaction and Dementia Adaptive Interaction and Dementia
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Evidence-Based Healthcare Chaplaincy Evidence-Based Healthcare Chaplaincy
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Best Practice in Professional Supervision, Second Edition Best Practice in Professional Supervision, Second Edition
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Clinical Nursing Calculations with Navigate Advantage Access Clinical Nursing Calculations with Navigate Advantage Access
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Caring for and Understanding Latinx Patients in Health Care Settings Caring for and Understanding Latinx Patients in Health Care Settings
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Challenges in Professional Supervision Challenges in Professional Supervision
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